Monday, May 31, 2010

Bigfoot Appeared after Experiments to Cross Apes with Humans


Recently a hunter from the Kemerovo region of Russia saved a Bigfoot who was drowning in a river.

Countess reports like this leave practically no doubt about the existence of these creatures. Earlier we wrote about a Bigfoot and his descendants living in Abkhazia, and suggested it was the oldest human-like creature.

Russia Today: Bigfoot saved from drowning in icy Siberian river

According to another theory, Bigfoot is a product of crossing apes with humans. The theory originated in Abkhazia in the apery of the city of Sukhumi.

The place used to be popular but is empty now. In its best years the apery had over 70,000 apes and monkeys running around, now there are only a few hundred of them left. The bloody Georgian-Abkhazian war affected not only people but the apes as well.

Zurab Mikvabia, the director of the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy in Abkhazia (the official name of the apery) is trying to be optimistic:

“We are now becoming interesting again for the Russian science. The Institute is in preliminary talks with Russia's Cosmonautics Academy about preparing monkeys for a simulated Mars mission. “

Zurab Mikvabia is skeptical about my suggestion that the apery was created specifically for experiments in crossing apes and humans: “It is not quite correct. There are more myths than facts about these experiments.”

The director, however, satisfied my request to see the archives from the 1920s and invited his deputy Vladimir Barkai to join the conversation.

“From the first stages of my scientific research I tried to arrange experiments in crossing humans and apes. I assume that the Soviet government could help me in the interests of science and propaganda of natural historic worldview.” This is an excerpt from a letter from Professor Ilya Ivanov to Anatoly Lunacharsky, People’s Commissar in education, where he asked for $15,000 for an expedition to Africa, an insane amount of money for those times.

Ilya Ivanov had good reasons to refer to his pre-revolutionary experience. An outstanding zoologist, he worked as a researcher in the Askania-Nova natural reserve , where he artificially inseminated animals crossing bulls with deer or gazelles. There were draft experiments on the way to the most important one, a human-ape hybrid.

Vladimir Rosanov, a famous surgeon who extracted SS bullets out of Lenin’s body, requested 50 apes for experiments in transplantation of vascular glands to the aging leaders of the revolution (first of all, Stalin). Rozanov hoped to repeat the success of his colleague Sergei Voronov, who immigrated to France in the 19th century where in a luxurious palace on French Riviera nicknamed The Simian castle he transplanted apes’ genital glands to wealthy patients. He had 90% success rate in body rejuvenation. Rozanov required gorillas, baboons and chimpanzees that were only available in Africa. Ilya Ivanov was the man to get them.

The archives of the Sukhumi institute contain a protocol of the meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Science dedicated to Ivanov’s African expedition. His coworkers warned him that Guinea women should not be used for insemination with gorilla sperm. Things that are now obvious were a topic of heated discussions 90 years ago.

At any rate, $15,000 was allocated for the expedition (20,000 according to other sources) and in February of 1926 Professor Ivanov and his son Ilya, a senior at Physics and Mathematics department of the MSU, went to Paris.
They sailed to French Guinea and settled at its experimental primate station in Kindia. It was difficult to catch clever, strong and aggressive chimpanzees. Bullets with sleeping aids have not been yet invented, and apes usually won in fights with hunters. Guinea locals used barbarian methods for catching apes. They hunted them down with dogs, made them climb trees and then made bonfires around those trees. The apes that could not stand the smoke were forced to jump down to the ground. The ground fights often left the hunters injured.

Ivanov’s son was one of those who suffered from a furious ape that tore his chest. The young man was hospitalized.

Another part of the experiment, insemination of local women with apes’ sperm, was complicated as well. Local women adamantly refused to participate in the experiment. Ivanov heard plenty of stories about women raped by gorillas, some of them were told to bear children. Women who were raped by gorillas were considered impure, and they were killed with a silent approval of the leaders.

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