Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fat Kookaburra diets to become flying fit

June 11, 2010 1:35 PM

A bird which became too-fat-to-fly after bingeing on sausages has taken to the sky again thanks to a diet and exercise regime.

The bulky Kookaburra had found at a park in Mosman, Australia, running along the floor as it was being chased by a group of dogs.

Experts said that because people had been feeding it BBQ leftovers it had put on too much weight and was unable to fly.

But staff at Taronga Zoo took the bird in and gave it a healthier diet and encouraged it o be more active.

Yesterday - after shedding almost 1/5 of its weight - the bird mad its first flight… straight to the nearest Burger King.

Staff said they initially thought the bird had a broken wing and couldn't get away because of the injury -- but then they realised it was just too fat.

While a Kookaburra would normally feast on lizards and small rodents eating too much from a BBQ can be bad for them.

Taronga Zoo

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