Saturday, May 15, 2010

Birds make home in snooker club ash tray

Two families of birds have made their home in a snooker club's ash tray.

Published: 8:00AM BST 15 May 2010

The blue tits have nested in the boxes at the front and back door of the building where smokers dump their butts.

The owners of the Halstead Snooker Centre in Halstead, Essex, noticed the tiny chicks after they hatched last Thursday.

Tara Mizon, who owns the club with husband Andy, said: "They are backwards and forwards with their babies, both of them.

"Of all the places to nest, they chose here. They are so gorgeous.

"The thought of anyone putting anything in the fag boxes is terrifying. It would only take one person to forget."

Staff have put up notices to warn smokers not to put their cigarettes out inside.

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